Sunday, November 12, 2006

Mammals of Mongolia

Mongolia wild mammals have unique species composition, distribution and origin. In Mongolia exist 138 species mammals belonging to 73 genera, 22 families and 8 orders; which is 13 insectivores; 12 chiropters; 6 lagomorphs; 69 rodents; 24 carnivores; 2 perissodactyls; 1 tylopods; and 11 artiodactyls. There are 32 species of rare, very rare and endemic species of Central Asia and Mongolia. There are several mammalian whose population sizes and ranges have become smaller due to either the direct or indirect impact of human activities and the environmental and climate change. The Mongolian Red Book, published in 1997, has 2 categories of endangered species, rare and very rare and it includes 30 species and sub-species of mammals. Mongolian Photo


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If you use beta blogger, You can use labels.

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